Latymer Prep School

Year 6 pupil writes her way into finals of The Song Academy Young Songwriter (SAYS) 2021 competition

Year 6 pupil writes her way into finals of The Song Academy Young Songwriter (SAYS) 2021 competition
Competition Music

Congratulations to Year 6 Pupil, Maya who has just been revealed as one of the finalists in The Song Academy Young Songwriter (SAYS) 2021 competition!

This year’s competition attracted over 1,000 entries from aspiring young songwriters aged 8-18, across the world, both experienced young songwriters and those who’ve written their first song. The judges were extremely impressed with the originality, creativity & musical bravery of the songs. You can listen to all finalists’ songs on the Song Academy SoundCloud account

Maya’s song is called ‘Thunder’ and was inspired by the Shakespeare Maya and her classmates were studying at the time. “When I was younger I used to play around on the piano and compose music,” Maya says. “I really like writing lyrics so when Mrs Garson told us about this competition, I just sat down with a pen and paper and a small keyboard on my desk on the landing at home during lockdown and tried to write something that people could relate to.” 

Latymer Prep School’s Music teacher, Mrs Garson had suggested to pupils across the School to consider entering the competition and many were inspired to do so. “It’s an absolutely fantastic achievement,” says Mrs Garson. “I am so proud of Maya. It’s a stunningly beautiful composition and it was an absolute delight to join her and her friends, Alice, Anya, Charlotte and Elodie and be part of their band, ‘White Cloud’ to perform this song.”  

Rowena Atkins, Founder of Song Academy, said: “Song Academy inspires young people to speak up, express themselves, celebrate their individuality & get heard. By connecting them to a vibrant community of their peers who all love writing songs, as well as exposing their songs to key players in the Music Industry, we help to build young people’s confidence, self-esteem and drive to achieve their potential, as well as nurturing the next generation of music & creative leaders.” 

The top 10 finalists of the UK/Ireland categories will be announced on the 30th April and the top 3 finalists of all categories will be announced on the 1st June. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for Maya!

Click here to watch Mrs Garson and White Cloud perform 'Thunder'

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