Latymer Prep School



We believe that learning takes place not only during formal lessons but ‘beyond the classroom’. This conviction lies behind the emphasis we place on trips and outings to the galleries, theatres, parks and museums of London. 

More particularly, it is a belief that underpins our commitment to providing a broad, dynamic extra-curricular programme at the Prep. Besides providing additional sport and music opportunities, the wide variety of clubs and societies we offer on a weekly basis stands as a testament to our commitment to educating the whole child.

The roll-call of clubs changes over time, in response to demand, but an abbreviated list of what we currently offer perhaps gives an insight into the richness of our provision: Chess, Fencing, Water Polo, Karate, Art, Book Club, Basketball, Greenpower Club – not to forget the ever-popular ‘Young Latymerian’ club which produces the school magazine twice a year, written and designed by pupils.

An important aspect of most co-curricular clubs is that they bring together children from across all year groups so that, for example, a Year 3 child can easily find herself playing against a Year 6 pupil in chess club (and beating them!). This ‘vertical organisation’ means that the senior pupils and our youngest children get to know, like and respect each other within a positive, supportive and enjoyable environment. ‘Co-curricular’ is not, for us, an ‘added extra’ but, rather, lies at the core of our pastoral care.