PSHE is all about acquiring the knowledge and developing the skills and attributes children need to keep themselves healthy and safe now, and to prepare them for life and work in the modern world.
In line with statutory Relationships Education and Health Education stipulations, the subject includes teaching and learning about physical health, mental wellbeing, and the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive, healthy and respectful relationships.
It also involves thinking about how society works and how pupils can actively play a socially and morally responsible role in it, including an appreciation of what constitutes the Fundamental British Values of democracy, mutual respect and tolerance of others, personal liberty and the law.
Every member of the Latymer community is valued, and an environment is created where children are encouraged to explore and discuss feelings, attitudes, values and relationships in dedicated PSHE Education class time.
Topics and themes covered naturally permeate other areas of the curriculum, particularly ICT, Science, RSP, Food Technology and PE, as well as English, Maths, History and Geography. As a result children are continuously encouraged to practise and embed their learning in other lessons.
We also believe that it is essential to provide real opportunities across school life to do the same. As such we promote a whole school approach where children are given a variety of roles and responsibilities within each form and throughout the School (e.g. as mentor, in the school council, as House Captains, as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in assemblies etc.)
Children also examine how their learning is applicable to the outside world via participation in external visits (e.g. to Parliament and from Community Police Officers and Magistrates) and external activities (e.g Anti-Bullying Week, Children’s Mental Health Week and Bikeability Courses etc.)