Latymer Prep School

Y4 Trip to Cadbury World

Y4 Trip to Cadbury World

On Tuesday 2nd May, Year 4 undertook a study visit to Cadbury World as part of the English, Food Technology and Art curriculum.

The children enjoyed watching the chocolate being put in to mounds, tasting melted chocolate with two flavours and watching chocolate being tempered.  In Food Technology classes, the children will be studying the chocolate making process from how a bar is produced from the cocoa bean, sensory analysis, advertising and packaging and finally producing our own unusual tasting chocolates.
In English, pupils will be studying selected chapters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; using the study visit to inform writing across a variety of genres including fiction, newspaper articles, food description and critique, creating a chocolate menu with alliterated names for sweets made during the Food Technology workshop, and comprehension.

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