Latymer Prep School

Visitors from our past

Visitors from our past

Last week we were delighted to welcome Val Arnold-Forster who lived at Rivercourt house before it became a school. Val visited with her niece, Sally Mitchison, who was accompanied by her husband John Charlton who is writing a history of the family. All were fascinated to revisit their family's home.

Mr Dorrian showed them around the Prep, which externally remains very much unchanged:
"I had a fascinating visit from a former occupant of River Court House (as it was called in the past) who lived here in the 1930’s.  The youngest child of Naomi Mitchison, a progressive thinker and author of many books in the middle years of the last century, she spoke about the house at that time, revealing that she was born in what is now the Assembly Room!  As you can imagine, I am now looking at the room through different eyes."

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