Latymer Prep School

Pupils wow judges with their creativity in Latymer Prep’s Short Film Competition

Pupils wow judges with their creativity in Latymer Prep’s Short Film Competition
Competition Activities & Events

Prep Pupils wowed the judges with their incredibly creative short films that they entered into PREP SHORTS, the School’s annual film competition. 

Prep Principal, Ms Rutterford, said: “It's lovely to see films about the children’s lives and what they’re interested in. I was particularly happy to see all the environmental messages included as we’ve been talking a lot about the COP26 conference and what we can do as individuals and a School.”

The whole Prep School came together in the Edward Latymer Theatre to watch all 20 entries and applaud the four winners who received their prizes of £25 amazon vouchers. This year’s winners are: 

  • Jasper, Y3
  • Louis, Y3
  • Honor, Y5
  • Maximus, Y5

The entries were judged by Pi (who runs Latymer’s Film Club) and Marta, both in Upper Sixth. Pi said: “Marta and I really enjoyed watching all the films. Everyone had such different ideas and styles and there was some really great use of animation, graphics and music.” 

Competition organiser, Mr Bohane said: “I’ve been so impressed with all the films our pupils have submitted this year. This is their opportunity to express themselves and its been great to see so many innovative and experimental techniques and lots of good humour. They’ve all worked really hard and created really entertaining films. My thanks to our generous donor for funding the competition.”


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